Social Issues

Pride is brought to you by...
These days everyone from Anheuser-Busch to Delta Airlines is reaching out to gay and lesbian consumers. But it wasn't long ago that businesses thought twice about flying their logos alongside the rainbow flag.
Camp Noah helps kids adjust
Minnesota National Guard soldiers returning from Iraq are coming back to families that have changed in the past two years. A series of summer camps around the state are helping the children of soldiers prepare for the reality of life after the homecoming.
The new melting pot
As congress debates the merits of the current immigration bill, two scholars join Midmorning to explore whether the current wave of immigrants is redefining what it means to be American and the impact that could have for the nation's future.
Theologian explores the realm of the child
Theologian and renowned author Martin Marty joins Kerri Miller to talk about the nature of religion in America and about his new book, "The Mystery of the Child."
Saturday marks the 35th anniversary of Title IX, the law that forced schools that receive federal money to give equal treatment to men's and women's sports. How has the law changed athletics in the U.S.?
Remembering refugees
There are an estimated 40 million refugees and displaced persons worldwide. That's the entire population of Minnesota -- times 8.
The reasons for World Refugee Day
It's World Refugee Day -- a day designated by the United Nations to raise awareness of the plight of refugees. Refugees account for only a small percentage of nationwide immigration, but Minnesota takes a lot of them.
Two Minnesotans who boarded buses for civil rights
Forty-six years ago, seven white Minnesotans became part of civil rights history. The Freedom Riders rode buses through the deep South and pressured states to comply with a Supreme Court desegregation ruling. Voices of Minnesota profiles two of them: Marv Davidov and Claire O'Connor.