Social Issues

Fair matches Iraq war vets with jobs
Employers met face to face Tuesday with current and former members of the military who are looking for new jobs. Organizers of the veterans job fair say these soldiers possess many skills in high demand in the workplace.
How to narrow the gap between the haves and have nots
New York Times columnist Paul Krugman takes on the widening gap between the very rich and those below the median income. He argues that the Democrats who may come to power in the next election should pursue an unabashed liberal agenda.
Howard Jacobson spins a world from 'Kalooki Nights'
Kalooki is central to British novelist Howard Jacobson's new book. It's a card game in which no one really knows the rules. Jacobson says it's a great way to describe the British Jewish community where he grew up, and he uses it in his new comic novel "Kalooki Nights."
Wanted: Parents
Every year, more than 24,000 American young people in foster care "age out." Many foster kids who have not found permanent families by age 18 wind up on the streets. A new American RadioWorks documentary follows two teens as they search for a family to adopt them before time runs out.
The latest documentary from American Radio Works "Wanted:Parents" follows two teenagers through their journey to find a forever-home before they age out of the foster care system.
PTSD on the rise
A recent study from the Department of Veterans Affairs shows that the number of Iraq and Afghanistan vets diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder is rising rapidly, and some say the VA is failing to meet the mental health needs of returning soldiers.
A worldwide focus on poverty and human development
Hundreds of medical and scientific journals joined together this month to cover a single topic. "Poverty and human development" is the simultaneous focus of the current issue of an unprecedented 235 journals from around the globe.
Day of the Dead celebrates life
Day of the Dead is celebrated Thursday all across Latin America and one Minneapolis non-profit is mounting a celebration of its own.