Social Issues

Wing Young Huie searches for Asian America
Photographer Wing Young Huie offers Minnesotans a chance to look at themselves. For his well-known projects "Frogtown" and "Lake Street" he captured extraordinary images of ordinary people in St. Paul and Minneapolis. However in Huie's new book, "Looking for Asian America", he went in search of himself.
Nathan Englander writes about 'the dirty war'
Nathan Englander's new book "The Ministry of Special Cases" is set against Argentina's 'dirty war.' It was the time in the late 1970s when thousands of people disappeared -- kidnapped and murdered by the military junta. Englander says the book grew out of a trip to Jerusalem.
Immigration legislation takes a hit
New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer has abandoned efforts to give driver's licenses to undocumented immigrants after a wave of negative reaction and neutral comments from Hilary Clinton. The fate of the legislation highlights the difficult political climate for immigration legislation.
A noose hung on the ceiling at Minneapolis Community & Technical College's campus newspaper leads to the firing of the news editor and a campus discussion on race.
The American Dream for some
Two out of three Americans are making more money today than their parents did in the '60s, but for African-American men, that statistic is much lower.
Beltrami County youth suicide rate highest in the state
Beltrami County health advocates are reacting to a report showing the county has the highest suicide rate in the state for young people. Agencies are reaching out to schools, but drastic funding cuts are making it a challenge.