Social Issues

Adults with fetal alcohol syndrome face huge challenges
Problems associated with fetal alcohol syndrome don't end when children grow up. There are hundreds of thousands of adults across the country affected by the disorder. They often have poor judgment and struggle just to survive.
Body donors remembered with poetry, music and gratitude
On average, 38,000 people die each year in Minnesota. About 260 of them donate their bodies to science. Medical students at the University of Minnesota say these body donors are vital to their education. And, every year, they try to thank those who gave the gift of themselves.
Drinking beyond limits
The recent alcohol-related death of one Minnesota college student, Amanda Jax, has brought the issue of campus drinking back into the spotlight. One expert says the problem goes far beyond college campuses.
Cool peace or cold war?
Russia may deploy missiles to Belarus, and experts say their foreign policies have an anti-democratic drift. Midmorning examines Russia's connection to Iran and its bilateral relationship with the West.
How to help ex-offenders stay out of prison
More than two-thirds of Minnesota' inmates will end up back behind bars within three years of their release from prison. Some lawmakers are working on a bill to help ex-offenders get the jobs and services they need to stay out of prison for good.
U of M students present child abduction case to president of South Sudan
A group of University of Minnesota students campaigning for the release of two kidnapped children in Sudan scored a major victory recently, when they were able to meet with the president of Southern Sudan.