Social Issues

There was news this week about food shelves on Minnesota's Iron Range running short of food. It turns out that food shelves across Minnesota are short of supplies.
New anti-meth ads sell hope
Billboard campaigns featuring haggard-looking meth addicts have been good at scaring people about the harmful effects of the drug. But the ads haven't given the public much hope about recovery. Now a new anti-meth campaign showcases the success stories of addicts who have kicked their habit.
James Nichols was convicted last month of second-degree intentional homicide in the death of Cha Vang of Green Bay. The slaying rekindled racial tension in northern Wisconsin, where a Hmong deer hunter fatally shot six white hunters three years ago.
Are boys adrift?
Family physician and psychologist Leonard Sax has noticed a troubling trend over the past decade -- unmotivated boys falling behind in school and in life. In his new book, Sax discusses the causes and the possible solutions.
This season, members of a north Minneapolis theater group are hoping to create a new tradition with 'A Copasetic Christmas Carol' at the Capri Theater. The show and the theater are just part of a larger effort to rebuild a once vibrant corridor of Minneapolis.
Prison reform and the revolving door
A recent report suggests that prisons are becoming overcrowded and that treatment may not be as good a solution to prevent offenders from returning as changing sentencing laws. Midmorning examines in-prison treatment and asks why states should bother.