Social Issues

Abuse and recovery
Some women and men manage to break the cycle of domestic abuse. Midmorning looks at how they do it and what we can learn from their experiences.
Pawnshops doing a brisk business
Thanks to the subprime mortgage market blow up and a slumping economy, consumers are looking for bargains this holiday shopping season. They are scouring the Internet and rummaging through the discount retail chains. But a growing number of bargain hunters are turning to an industry with a tough reputation: Pawn shops.
News Cut: Binge drinking - Minnesota style
It was hard not to miss the collective shrug of shoulders Minnesota gave to a report last week that showed binge drinking is still a sport of choice for nearly one out of 3 high school students, even though it came a month after another study dropped the state from its lofty perch as the healthiest state, largely because of the penchant of our kids to drink like there's no tomorrow.
News Cut: Binge drinking - Minnesota style
It was hard not to miss the collective shrug of shoulders Minnesota gave to a report last week that showed binge drinking is still a sport of choice for nearly one out of 3 high school students, even though it came a month after another study dropped the state from its lofty perch as the healthiest state, largely because of the penchant of our kids to drink like there's no tomorrow.
Roger's Christmas story
This is a Christmas story about a boy named Roger. Roger was put into foster care when he was 11 years old, and spent several years bouncing around various homes. He wanted to be adopted, and never gave up hope that he would find a family.
The body of Jenna Foellmi, 20, of Brownsville, was found in her apartment on the morning of Dec. 14. Police say she was seen consuming alcohol for much of the previous day.
Is there justice for people with fetal alcohol brain damage?
Pregnant women who drink alcohol risk giving birth to children with permanent brain damage. As these kids grow up, many get in trouble with the law. Experts say the country's justice system is ill-equipped to deal fairly with fetal alcohol offenders.