Social Issues

A former executive at the local chapter of the American Red Cross claims she was the victim of sex and age discrimination, and that she was retaliated against and fired after she complained to federal officials.
Counties seek a solution to repeat drunk driving
More Minnesota counties are trying a new solution to the problem of repeat drunk drivers. DWI courts use a carrot and stick approach to convince drunk drivers to change their ways.
Organ donation policies under review
Medical experts are reforming the first-come first-serve policies of the national organ donation registry. Midmorning examines the challenge and controversy of deciding who gets an organ.
Lending a helping hand in Nepal
Nepal, some 12,000 miles from Minnesota, is one of the poorest countries on the planet. More than 20 years ago a Minnesota couple started a school, health clinics and nutrition programs in Nepal. Now, Earl and Beverly Thompson are wondering who will continue the work.
Answering the tough questions
Midmorning's ethics expert discusses complex dilemmas that reach beyond the grave.