Social Issues

Who are you after Alzheimer's?
As researchers struggle to understand the science behind Alzheimer's, one author uses the main character of her novel to explore the early-onset experience of this deadly disease.
Minnesota will soon have new group fighting illegal drug use in the state. It's called the Partnership for a Drug-Free Minnesota. It's a local chapter of the Partnership for a Drug-Free America, which is best known for its anti-drug campaigns in print and broadcast media. Carol Falkowski, the director of the Chemical Health Division at the Minnesota Department of Human Services, was instrumental in forming the chapter.
Grandparents are more often raising their kids' kids
The number of children who are being raised by their grandparents in Minnesota has more than doubled since the 1990s. When grandparents step in to care for their grandchildren, they face lots of challenges.
Living a year of theater
Playwright Suzan-Lori Parks talks about what it takes to produce a play a day. The Pulitzer Prize winner is also poised to direct her dream play.
A giant step toward manmade life
Scientists have stitched together the chemical components of an entire bacterium. Midmorning looks at the ethical implications of this feat, and finds out what other building blocks of life they've discovered.
Politics in a patchwork nation
Reporter Dante Chinni joins Midmorning to discuss a new project that aims to take apart the myth of the red-blue political divide.
Impure altruism
Two economists set out to do an experiment on the effect of matching gifts on fundraising efforts. The results raised some interesting questions about the effectiveness of fundraising, and the nature of philanthropy.
Abigail Taylor, the 6-year-old girl whose injury in a swimming pool led to federal legislation to make pools safer, died Thursday evening.
South Dakota tests program that'll pay kids to learn
The National Math and Science Initiative gave $2 million to reach out to rural kids. The program encourages high school students to take Advanced Placement classes online in exchange for a cash bonus if they pass the final test.