Social Issues

Tibet at crossroads
Violence continues in Tibet. The London-based Free Tibet Campaign says several were killed, though the Chinese news service did not mention deaths. A Tibetan scholar says the Chinese government continues to underplay an uprising that has spread throughout Tibet and to surrounding provinces.
Today marks the 40th anniversary of the assassination of civil right leader Martin Luther King Jr. A new American RadioWorks documentary about King, called King's Last March, tells about the dramatic and often-overlooked final year in the life of Dr. King. Morning Edition host Cathy Wurzer talked with Stephen Smith, host of American Public Media's documentary unit, American RadioWorks.
King's legacy 40 years after his death
Forty years ago Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated in Memphis, a day after delivering one of his best known speeches. In the "mountaintop" speech, King talked about a future of better opportunities and equality between blacks and whites. Two who worked for King and study his work talk about how to continue improving the lives of people held back by racism.
A Twin Cities program is finding a way to get more low-income students into college.
American RadioWorks documentary marks the 40th anniversary of Dr. King's death.
The fight against hunger
Longtime hunger advocate Tony Hall talks about what U.S. politicians from both parties can do to eliminate hunger, and why their efforts always seem to fall short.
The Dumbing of America
In a provocative new book, author Susan Jacoby argues that America is in a new age of anti-intellectualism, fed by mediocre public education and an addiction to infotainment.