Social Issues

The ugly side of 'America the Beautiful'
Film maker Darryl Roberts wanted to explore America's obsession with beauty. His documentary "American the Beautiful" became a scathing indictment.
Summertime means plans for kids
When the school year winds down, there are thousands of children and teenagers thinking about summer. As parents work to find things for their kids to do, many turn to city parks and libraries for safe, structured activities.
Residents voice concerns over LRT planning
The Met Council responded to critics of the proposed Central Corridor light rail line last night in St. Paul. Dozens of residents turned out for a community meeting on the project to link the downtowns of Minneapolis and St. Paul.
Age and experience count against older workers
The federal government's current unemployment numbers paint a grim picture for the job market, and it's even tougher for a group of would-be workers who already have two strikes against them: age and experience.
St. Paul mayor vetoes bar restrictions
St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman has vetoed an ordinance that would create special licenses and additional restrictions for bars that stay open until 2 a.m.