RNC protest group files lawsuit against St. Paul

Anti-war protest in Minneapolis
Thousands of people turned out for a protest to mark the fourth anniversary of the war in Iraq.
MPR Photo/Jessica Mador

Another group has filed a lawsuit against the city of St. Paul over plans to protest the Republican National Convention.

Members of the Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign say they applied for the permit months ago and still haven't received an answer from the city.

Cheri Honkala said she expects more than 20,000 people from around the country to turn out for the September 2nd march. It will start at Mears Park and end at the Xcel Energy Center.

"This is going to be disabled people, poor and homeless families, people around the country who will be caravaning into the Twin Cities area in the hopes of raising their voice about the foreclosure crisis, the healthcare crisis, and all the things that are happening here at home," said Honkala.

St. Paul Police Sgt. John Lozoya says the city is reviewing the group's proposed route and will probably grant a permit soon, but make some changes to the route.

The city has received eight applications for march permits for the RNC and has only granted one so far.

The anti-war coalition that received that permit is also challenging the city in federal court, over the march's schedule and route.