Search continues for Minn. woman in Alaska national park

The search goes on for a 25-year-old Minnesota woman who went hiking with a friend last week in Alaska's Denali National Park.

Abby Flantz from Gaylord, Minn., and her friend Erica Nelson from Las Vegas planned to camp overnight last Thursday in a remote area of the park and return to their summer jobs at a lodge the next day.

They haven't been heard from since.

Family friend Rod Tollefson said Flantz's parents and sisters will stay home and wait for word.

"It's rough. Its hard. They're a very tight knit family and very close and very strong in their faith. So, they're depending upon prayer from everybody, but it is tough on them but they're strong people," Tollefson said.

Authorities have brought in search dogs to try to pick up the trail of the missing women. Park officials say the women were warned about grizzly bears and a river with rapids in the area they planned to visit.