Social Issues

Film considers the Gonzo legacy
A new movie, "Gonzo: The Life and Times of Dr Hunter S. Thompson," opens across the country today. It examines the rise and fall of one of the great counter-cultural writers of the 60s and 70s.
What's the history of American independence?
An American history professor gives some history lessons and answers questions about the independence movement in the American colonies, the Continental Congress, and the Revolutionary War.
Public defenders to stop representing poor parents in child protection cases
Beginning July 8, state public defenders outside of Hennepin County will no longer represent parents in child protection cases, or in specialty courts such as drug court, because of budget cuts. Children will wait longer in foster care.
The 50-50 split
Some couples are trying to work out a perfectly balanced household, with moms and dads taking equal shares of the parenting and cleaning duties. What seems like an obvious fairness issue to some is bound up in perceptions of gender for others.
'What's the Big Idea?'
The opening event at the Aspen Ideas Festival in Aspen, Colorado. A doctor, lawyer, climate scientist, actor, writer, former Supreme Court Justice and others tell us their one "big idea."
The Vietnam Tapes: Letters from a Willmar soldier
The Vietnam Tapes is a special program featuring audio letters from the Vietnam War. Dan Kleven of Willmar, Minn., spent 11 months in combat in Vietnam in 1970. He recorded cassette tapes in the field and sent them back to his family.
Evolutionary biologist speaks about sex
Evolutionary biologist Olivia Judson is passionate about the mating habits of living things, from lions to the tiniest insects. She spoke recently as part of the University of Minnesota Bell Museum of Natural History's "Evolution 2008" series.