Social Issues

Anniversary of the first test tube baby
The world's first test tube baby was born 30 years ago this month, and launched a reproductive revolution. Midmorning discusses the impact of this success, and the future of in vitro fertilization.
Sundance hopes to inspire Indian filmmakers
Representatives of the organization which runs the famed Sundance Film Festival are in Minnesota to encourage filmmaking in the state's Indian communities.
White Earth celebrates treatment facility for young people
White Earth tribal leaders are in Bemidji Wednesday to celebrate the purchase of a 40-acre youth treatment center. Officials plan to provide chemical dependency and mental health treatment for American Indian young people.
A Bangladeshi story that resonates around the world
A new film adaptation of Monica Ali's best-selling novel, "Brick Lane," opens in the Twin Cities this weekend. It's the story of two Bangladeshi sisters separated by an arranged marriage.
Interpreters an important part of medical team
Understanding medical jargon in hospitals and clinics can be hard enough, but for the roughly 22 million Americans who speak limited English, it can be down right impossible.
Energy exploration vs. conservation
Though conservation and green living have become trendy among consumers and businesses, a recent poll shows the public would rather seek new energy sources than significantly cut back on their usage.