Social Issues

Hmong culture camp in high demand
Demand is up sharply this year for a place at the Hmong Culture and Language summer camp at Concordia University. Camp directors say immigration to the metro area is fueling the increase.
Foreign aid watchdog
A controversial economist, who is dubbed the "anti-Bono," criticizes debt relief and popular forms of foreign aid. He argues that foreign aid to many third world countries has failed to produce sustainable growth.
Vento Sanctuary acquires neighboring industrial facility
A unique urban nature sanctuary next to downtown St. Paul may grow to include an interpretive center. A long awaited land deal has been completed to acquire an abandoned building next to the Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary.
'Hamlet' with a northwoods twist
Lin Enger's new novel, "Undiscovered Country," explores the effect of a northern Minnesota man's apparent suicide on his family. The story is a reworking of the themes in "Hamlet."
Film director celebrates 1994
While 1994 may not stick out in many people's minds as being one of the watershed years of U.S. history, it does for film director Jonathan Levine. "Much like 1776, just with more rap music," he says. It's the year he set his new film "The Wackness."