'Hamlet' with a northwoods twist

Lin Enger
Lin Enger says his new novel, "Undiscovered Country," grew out of a fleeting thought when he was out hunting deer a dozen years ago.
Photo by Nancy Crampton, courtesy Little Brown and Co.

Lin Enger's new novel, "Undiscovered Country," explores the effect of a northern Minnesota man's apparent suicide on his family.

Enger teaches writing at Minnesota State University Moorhead, and happens to have a brother, Leif, who is also an accomplished novelist. Earlier in their careers, the brothers wrote several crime novels under the pen name L.L. Enger.

Lin Enger's novel reworks some of the themes in "Hamlet," with a northwoods treatment.

Enger told Minnesota Public Radio's Euan Kerr "Undiscovered Country" began with a thought he had while sitting in a deerstand a dozen years ago.