Social Issues

In a unanimous ruling issued Friday, the court upheld a 2007 Polk County District Court judge's ruling that the state's same-sex marriage ban violated the state constitution.
Men feel conflict in work-life balance
A recent survey from the Families and Work Institute found that women in two-worker households are earning more money than their male partners, yet men are feeling more stress about the work-life balance.
Relatives of missing Somali men use homeland ties in search
Families of some of the young Somali-American men who are thought to be fighting with Islamic extremists in the Horn of Africa are trying their own methods to bring them safely home. They've turned to friends in the new Somali government and U.S. officials at neighboring embassies to help.
Historian and orator John Hope Franklin died this week, at the age of 94. Franklin was a pioneer in African-American studies.
Northside home tour shows off investments for sale
One person's foreclosure crisis, is another's investment opportunity. This is especially true in parts of north Minneapolis, where the supply of foreclosed properties is high and the prices are low.
Survey shows race relations problems in Bemidji
A new study asks people what they think of race relations in Bemidji. American Indians who live on the reservation, view race relations more poorly than Indians living in the community. What's the purpose of the study, and what will they do with the results?
Obama apologizes for Special Olympics gaffe
President Barack Obama has apologized to the chairman of the Special Olympics for his late-night talk show quip equating his bowling skills to those of athletes with disabilities.
A gym of their own: Somali girls learn basketball
In a locked gym on Sunday afternoons in Minneapolis, Somali girls and women are getting together to play basketball. There are no fans or spectators, and they wouldn't have it any other way.
The future of affirmative action
With the election of Barack Obama as president, there is a renewed discussion about the role of affirmative action, and whether it is still necessary. While some advocate for an end to affirmative action, others say the focus needs to be changed from race to class.