Social Issues

US births break record; 40 pct out-of-wedlock
More babies were born in the United States in 2007 than any year in the nation's history, topping the peak during the baby boom 50 years earlier, federal researchers reported Wednesday.
New scam threatens struggling homeowners
Authorities say scam artists are showing up, promising to save the homes of desperate homeowners. Instead, they can leave their victims in even worse shape.
Marriage amendment back, not likely to see action
A group of Minnesota religious leaders are pressing for action at the state Capitol for a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage in the state. But the effort isn't likely to get very far this year.
NAACP says Wells Fargo steered blacks to bad loans
The NAACP is accusing Wells Fargo and HSBC of forcing black homebuyers into subprime mortgages while white buyers with identical qualifications got lower rates.
Midmorning Weekend
Midmorning Weekend revisits some of the best recent conversations from the daily call-in program.
Minn. colleges go a year without drinking deaths
No alcohol related deaths have been reported among Minnesota college students this school year. Last year several college-aged Minnesotans suffered alcohol related deaths and this prompted Minnesota colleges to step up their efforts to curtail binge drinking.
Arab expert on Middle East crisis
President Obama is expected to visit Turkey during his first Middle East visit. Turkey's government has offered to mediate with Iran. Better relations with Iran is just one of the ways in which the Obama administration is trying to change direction in the Middle East.
Impact of recession on the young
Experts wonder whether this recession will revive Depression-era pessimism among young people today. We'll discuss how this troubled economy may shape the choices of the uber-confident Millennial generation.
Minneapolis to launch a bike sharing program
The Twin Cities is getting $4 million in federal money to fund projects that promote walking and biking. The money will be used to create a bike center on the University of Minnesota campus and a bike-sharing program in Minneapolis.