Social Issues

Earlier Somali money transfer case went nowhere
Searches by federal agents at three money-transfer businesses in Minneapolis that cater to the Somali community last week recall another time similar businesses came under scrutiny here, a major international investigation that produced few results.
A federal judge has ruled that the White Earth Band's Shooting Star Casino is not subject to county property taxes, ending a bitter chapter between the band and Mahnomen County.
Somalis in Minnesota react to barrage of bad news
Somalia has been dominating the headlines in recent weeks, with various news stories in Minnesota and around the world focusing on events related to that African country. Somalis in Minnesota are reacting in various ways to the avalanche of publicity about their homeland.
Midmorning Weekend
Midmorning Weekend revisits some of the best recent conversations from the daily call-in program.
Climate for same-sex marriage changes
Two states have legalized gay marriage in as many weeks. A number of states are considering giving more legal protections to lesbian and gay couples. But heterosexual marriage supporters say they will continue to fight against what they see as an unacceptable attack on the institution. Meanwhile, others see opportunities to recognize both sides' concerns.
The American Red Cross chapter in the Twin Cities is cutting its budget, and one of the first programs to go is a ride service for the disabled and elderly.
Joseph Boyden writes about native dichotomy
Joseph Boyden just won Canada's top literary prize for his book "Through Black Spruce." It's the story of a Cree family in Northern Ontario, but it demonstrates how modern native life includes many worlds.