Social Issues

General Mills has launched a public-private partnership with the U.S. Agency for International Development and the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief.
Stimulus money for homelessness
A dozen Minnesota nonprofits will receive federal stimulus money to address short-term homelessness. But will this money really work to stimulate the economy, or simply help the state plug holes in budget cuts to social services?
A new generation of Hmong women pursues college
The number of Hmong women pursuing college is growing in Minnesota. But a college education can be hard won in families that traditionally encourage daughters to marry young and raise families.
Watch an excerpt of "Daughters," a film about the changing lives of Hmong women produced by Kao Choua Vue for In Progress, a non-profit in St. Paul that promotes new voices in the digital arts.
'NurtureShock' co-author questions popular parenting
Parents who praise their children too much may be short-circuiting kids' ability to motivate themselves later in life, according to author Po Bronson. Praise is just one of the parenting techniques debunked in his new book.
Tech developments for the disabled
Technology has made a huge reach in helping the physically disabled, but what specific roles will the internet and smartphones play as they begin to make life easier for the wider population?
It's a pretty good likelihood that every child will be offered alcohol or drugs by the time they graduate high school. But author Joseph Califano maintains that parents have a high degree of power and influence when it comes to the choices their children make about drugs.