Social Issues

The Hennepin County Board votes today on a plan to scale back charity care at Hennepin County Medical Center in response to state budget cuts. Regions Hospital in St. Paul is also struggling with cuts.
The first piece of legislation authored by Sen. Al Franken - a provision to expand a service dog program for disabled veterans -- received funding from the Senate on Sunday as part of the $1.1 trillion federal spending bill.
Gov. Tim Pawlenty is re-affirming his opposition to an expansion of gambling in Minnesota, including the ongoing effort to allow slot machines at two horse racing tracks.
Rich nations slam climate draft, thousands protest
Industrial countries criticized a draft global warming pact Saturday for not making stronger demands on major developing countries as tens of thousands of banner-waving protesters demanding "climate justice" marched toward the U.N. conference.
A black man who helped build the TransCanada Keystone oil pipeline that passes through eastern North Dakota is suing his former employer in federal court, alleging that he faced racial discrimination at a job site at Mekinock.
Racial disparities a concern in health debate
Compared to white Americans, African Americans are more likely to die from illnesses such as heart disease and other maladies. Val Jenson, above, says racial disparities are something she hopes will be addressed as Congress debates health care reform.
Brain drain in rural America
Sociologists Patrick Carr and Maria Kefalas spent two years in a small town in Iowa trying to find out why so many young people are leaving rural America. What they found was that many small towns are playing a role in their own demise, by pushing the best and brightest to leave and under-investing in those who stay.