Social Issues

Morality and shopping
Psychologists have discovered that virtuous shopping in the laboratory, that is buying earth-friendly products, can lead to lying, cheating, and stinginess. But in real life, is there a connection between how we feel, what we buy, and how we behave?
Design that can change lives
In his book "Out of Poverty," Paul Polak argues that innovative design solutions can do more to help the world's poor than most mainstream poverty eradication programs. He is part of a growing movement focusing on designing and manufacturing low-cost products that can save lives, and help people earn a living, in the developing world.
A group of Vietnam veterans say they have made their last three-day walk from Anoka to the St. Joseph home of Jerry and Patty Wetterling.
Vets mark 65th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge
This week marks the 65th anniversary of the start of Battle of the Bulge. It was the huge offensive mounted by the German High Command in the waning days of World War II. Some 19,000 U.S. troops died in the battle which was fought in the depths of one of the worst winters in years in Europe.
Several emergency homeless shelters could open in the next few weeks in St. Paul, as shelter providers and local officials mount a response to the dramatic increase in the number of homeless adults seeking shelter.