MPR News Update

MPR News Update for Jan. 16

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day! Warmer weather brings a wintry mix of light freezing rain, sleet and snow for southern and eastern Minnesota. Highs range from about 20s up north to about 31 in the south. Take care driving today! Forecast | Updraft weather blog

St. Paul recycling bins contain controversial tracking chip King Day highlights transition from Obama to Trump Bobby Rush remembers Martin Luther King Jr. 'Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere': Martin Luther King Jr. in Minnesota Cabinet nominees will face scrutiny on climate and education policy this week An ice shelf is cracking in Antarctica, but not for the reason you think In final speech as Attorney General, Loretta Lynch says: 'We have to work' 'Meaning of Michelle' essays celebrate First Lady's realness Inauguration in sight, Trump continues Twitter assault