MPR News Update

MPR News Update, PM Edition for Jan. 11, 2017

Good afternoon! Scientists have concluded that the moon is definitely over the hill at the ripe old age of 4.51 billion years old. Rock and soil collected by the Apollo 14 moonwalkers in 1971 helped confirm the new estimate - which puts the moon's creation within 60 million years of the birth of the solar system. The previous estimate had it within 100 million years to 200 million years. | Forecast

Annotated: Donald Trump's first press conference as president-elect 6 people injured in explosion at Minnesota truck plant The Coen brothers set to write and direct a TV western Scientists: Moon over the hill at 4.51 billion years old VW pleads guilty in emissions scandal; 6 employees indicted Chao says private investors can help boost transportation Latest broadband funds to boost internet for 16,000 Minnesota households Dakota Access pipeline protests across U.S. find encouragement