Morning Edition

Cathy Wurzer
Cathy Wurzer

Morning Edition, with Cathy Wurzer in St. Paul and NPR hosts in Washington and Los Angeles, brings you all the news from overnight and the information you need to start your day. Listen from 4 to 9 a.m. every weekday.

Morning Announcements | Weather chats with Mark Seeley

Jails and prisons across the state are among the places most vulnerable to outbreaks of disease. That’s because inmates are often housed in close quarters where practicing basic hygiene can be difficult.
Minnesota hospitals plan for 'stages' of COVID-19 patients, warn of a possible surge
The state's hospital systems are preparing for what they know will be a difficult test from the novel coronavirus. Hospital leaders say they anticipate a lot of need, but are worried about a surge in COVID-19 patients that could tax the equipment they need to do their jobs safely.
Limited access to COVID-19 tests frustrates patients, health professionals
Reports abound from people saying they or a loved one have been sick with symptoms similar to those associated with COVID-19, and have been denied testing for myriad reasons.
Trampled by Turtles singer releases his first solo album — at least under his own name
After almost 20 years leading the Duluth-based bluegrass rock band Trampled by Turtles, singer and guitarist Dave Simonett just released what could be — depending on how you look at it — his first or his third solo album. Simonett's latest collection "Red Tail" is much lighter and more open to interpretation than two he issued as Dead Man Winter.
 Work and kids suddenly all home? Be flexible and patient, experts say
With businesses and schools closing their buildings to stop the spread of the coronavirus, many Minnesotans are quickly learning the realities of working from home. Making it work involves planning and some ingenuity, particularly if there are children at home.
Minnesota Legislature scaling back operations amid coronavirus outbreak
Minnesota legislative leaders announced Sunday night that they're planning to effectively recess the legislative session for up to a month, coming in only on an as-needed basis to pass legislation related to the coronavirus situation.
As health care workers prepare for COVID-19, medical students pitch in on the home front
The University of Minnesota medical students may be too early in their education to have the kind of clinical experience needed to treat patients, but they’re stepping up to help doctors and nurses with everything from babysitting to grocery shopping.