Morning Edition

Cathy Wurzer
Cathy Wurzer

Morning Edition, with Cathy Wurzer in St. Paul and NPR hosts in Washington and Los Angeles, brings you all the news from overnight and the information you need to start your day. Listen from 4 to 9 a.m. every weekday.

Morning Announcements | Weather chats with Mark Seeley

Art Hounds: Three ways artists support each other
As we approach the one-year anniversary of performance spaces going dark under the coronavirus pandemic, Art Hounds this week recommend three different spaces — two virtual, one physical — where performers, songwriters and visual artists can come together.
30 years later, echoes of largest inland oil spill remain in Line 3 fight
About 50 people gathered at the Prairie River near the site of a crude oil spill in Grand Rapids Wednesday. Thirty years ago, on March 3, 1991, the Line 3 oil pipeline ruptured at the site, spilling 1.7 million gallons of crude oil into a wetland and onto the frozen Prairie River. It's still the largest inland oil spill in U.S. history.
'Steps toward healing': Dakota tribe reclaims its land — and its story
The Lower Sioux Indian Community’s homeland lies along the Minnesota River in Redwood County. Last month, 114 acres, formerly controlled by the state, were transferred back to the tribe. “Steps towards healing is what we need,” tribal Chair Robert Larsen said. ‘And this is one of those steps.”
March 3 update on COVID-19 in MN: Vaccinations quicken; Walz upbeat about State Fair
Activities set for “June and beyond, those look pretty promising,” an upbeat Gov. Tim Walz told reporters Wednesday. His remarks came hours after state data shows the vaccination trend line at a new high, while active COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations hold fairly steady.
In Cook County, volunteers help vaccinate a grateful public
Cook County, at the tip of Minnesota's North Shore, has the highest vaccination rate in the state. Nearly everyone in the county who is 65 or older has gotten their first COVID-19 shot. Several factors have contributed to Cook County’s success, including a small army of volunteers that’s played a critical role in getting the county vaccinated.
Tide turns on Minnesota legislative session
A more than 180-degree turn in the state’s finances will reshuffle debate over a new state budget. Here is a nuts-and-bolts look at the Minnesota Legislature for this week.
Will Chauvin trial start next week? Answer lies in higher court decision 
A state court of appeals is deciding whether to reinstate a third-degree murder charge against the former Minneapolis officer charged in George Floyd’s killing. Its ruling will determine whether Derek Chauvin’s trial begins March 8 as planned.