Morning Edition

Cathy Wurzer
Cathy Wurzer

Morning Edition, with Cathy Wurzer in St. Paul and NPR hosts in Washington and Los Angeles, brings you all the news from overnight and the information you need to start your day. Listen from 4 to 9 a.m. every weekday.

Morning Announcements | Weather chats with Mark Seeley

An emotional play on adoption expands its reach as a graphic novel
The final product of a successful theatrical script is usually a play — but not always. A St. Paul theater's deeply emotional show about adoption will live on as a 300-page graphic novel.
Art Hounds recommend visual art that explores science, spirituality
Nature photographer Nicole Zemple takes “otherworldly” pictures of the forest floor, Fawzia Khan’s embroidery and sculpture celebrate women’s stories, and Anne Pryor paints with scents and her breath.
GOP wants private school option; Walz, DFL push back
Minnesota lawmakers are heading toward a special session next week with very little settled on the budget they need to pass by month’s end to avoid a government shutdown. One of the big sticking points is education funding and whether some money for public schools should be allowed to flow to private schools.
Humane society volunteer celebrates 100 years, and decades caring for dogs and cats
Charlotte Beegle has spent 33 years volunteering at the Golden Valley Animal Humane Society. For her 100th birthday Tuesday, the staff brought out cupcakes — and kittens.
Line 3 opponents occupy Enbridge pump station as protest ramps up
Hundreds of activists gathered Monday near the headwaters of the Mississippi River to protest the ongoing construction of the new pipeline, which will replace a line that's been carrying Canadian tar sands oil across northern Minnesota since the 1960s.
Heat wave: St. Paul schools canceled; Mpls. keeps some students home
St. Paul school district leaders are canceling all district classes for the week due to the heat wave, bringing an early end to the school year. The Minneapolis district is keeping students home from 15 schools Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday because of the heat.
Line 3 foes kick off a summer of resistance
More than a thousand opponents of the Line 3 oil pipeline from all over the U.S. have congregated in northern Minnesota for what they're calling the Treaty People Gathering. They're preparing a march to the Mississippi River on Monday to protest the controversial pipeline replacement project.
 Minnesota's tough new deadly force law gets second look
The effort to enact more police accountability measures is proving difficult for Minnesota lawmakers. But there’s also a move afoot to revisit a stricter deadly force standard approved last summer in the wake of George Floyd's death.
The unusual heat experienced at the beginning of this month will likely be the norm for the coming weeks says retired University of Minnesota climatologist and meteorologist Mark Seeley. He advised listeners to break out their summer clothes as well as water their gardens for the days ahead. MPR News host Cathy Wurzer talked with Mark Seeley about the hot and dry June in their weekly weather chat. Click on the audio player above to hear their conversation.