Kerri Miller Feature

Is it possible to talk politics with someone who sharply disagrees with you? University of Minnesota family social science professor Bill Doherty says it is. He gave his advice for facilitating open conversations.
Listen: What's happening in the jury room?
Juries are deliberating in two high-profile court cases this week: the sexual assault trial of Bill Cosby, and the trial of police officer Jeronimo Yanez. So what exactly goes on inside a jury room? MPR News host Kerri Miller talks to former Ramsey County attorney Susan Gaertner for insight into the mysteries of the deliberation room.
How vulnerable are our elections to hacking?
A recently leaked NSA report says Russia's military intelligence agency launched a hacking attack before Election Day 2016 on a U.S. company that provides voting services and systems.
Why special counsel is not enough in Trump Russia probe
Peter Zeidenberg served as an assistant special counsel in the prosecution of Scooter Libby, spent 17 years in the Department of Justice and is currently a partner at Arent Fox LLP. He explains how special counsel works and why there needs to be a deeper dive into the Russia probe.