Kerri Miller Brief

MPR News host Kerri Miller and her guests talk about how to leave the tumult of the 2016 election behind. Everyone knows there's work to be done, but how do everyday citizens get down to it?
Trump's immigration reform, what can we expect?
One of the most urgent issues that President-elect Donald Trump promises to address is immigration reform. Two guests joined the program to outline what the Republican-led House might deal with first.
Understanding savvy news consumerism
Two media experts talked about the nature of modern media and how news consumers can become more informed about the type of content they're relying upon.
Political Junkie: On the eve of the 2016 election, emails and Trump in MN
Political Junkie Ken Rudin joined the program on the eve of the 2016 presidential election to talk about more emails, Trump's rallies, and the votes coming from the African-American and Latino communities.