Trump's immigration reform, what can we expect?

Juanita and Mike Kulhanek support Donald Trump.
Juanita Kulhanek and her son, Mike Kulhanek, first- and second-generation immigrants from Mexico, favor Trump's stance on immigration. "It's the beginning of a dialogue that needs to happen, and because of political correctness we won't address it."
Evan Frost | MPR News

One of the most urgent issues that President-elect Donald Trump promises to address is immigration reform.

Many believe the system is broken and has needed changes for more than a decade. Trump has promised, among other things, that he would build a wall that Mexico would pay for.

His supporters are expecting comprehensive reform. But what will that look like? Eduardo Porter, columnist with the New York Times, and Linda Chavez, writer and former Reagan administration staffer, outlined the most necessary concerns and what the Republican-led House might deal with first.