2016 Election reaction: What can we do with such a divided country?

President-elect Donald Trump
President-elect Donald Trump gives his acceptance speech during his election night rally.
John Locher | AP Photo

Several guests joined the show to talk about the surprising result, president-elect Donald Trump, and what we can anticipate moving forward.

To hear all of the coverage, select the audio player above.


Catherine Rampell, an opinion columnist at the Washington Post.

Erica Bernal Martinez, the deputy executive director of NALEO, the National Association of Latino Elected & Appointed Officials.

Vann Newkirk, a writer for The Atlantic.

Christopher Nichols, professor and the director of the Citizenship & Crisis Project at Oregon State University.

Mary Kate Cary, a Republican strategist.

Philip Chen, a postdoctoral fellow in the Political Science Department at the University of Calgary.

Jason Johnson, politics editor at The Root.