Kerri Miller Brief

MPR News host Kerri Miller talked with Political Junkie Ken Rudin about the latest news in politics, including how politicians from both major parties are responding to allegations of sexual misconduct.
After a diplomatic trip to Asia in November, where President Trump visited China, South Korea, Japan, Vietnam and the Philippines, we're taking a look at President Trump's foreign agenda.
A new Associated Press analysis finds many charter schools in America are racially segregated. MPR News host Kerri Miller spoke with Cornell professor Noliwe Rooks about this modern school segregation, and the effects of the charter school movement.
In his new book, "How to Think," Alan Jacobs explores an act - thinking - that's familiar to all of us. But he argues that when it comes to the issues splitting our society, we don't always think critically.
MPR News host Kerri Miller talked with Political Junkie Ken Rudin about the latest news surrounding sexual harassment in Washington. MPR News digital producer Nancy Yang also joined Kerri to read some recent mail from listeners.
When an organization quickly terminates an employee, facing an accusation such as sexual misconduct, what message are they sending to their employees? What impact does this have on the company's reputation?