Big Books & Bold Ideas with Kerri Miller

Conversations on books and ideas, Fridays at 11 a.m.

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From the archives: Ecologist Suzanne Simard on understanding the wisdom of forests
This Friday, Kerri Miller will look back at some fantastic science-themed conversations she’s had on Big Books and Bold Ideas. To whet your appetite, here’s yet another science-based discussion. In this one, Miller talks to ecologist Suzanne Simard about the wisdom of the forest.
From the archives: Theologian Jemar Tisby on how the American church should grapple with racism
Theologian Christena Cleveland’s new book, “God is a Black Woman,” explores how the Black, sacred feminine transformed her faith. A conversation about her pilgrimage is coming up on Friday. To whet your appetite, we’ve pulled a discussion MPR News host Kerri Miller had with Jemar Tisby in 2021. They talked about white American Christians’ complicity in racism.
Novelist Don Winslow on going home
Don Winslow is launching another masterful trilogy. This time, he relies on Greek literature to inspire an epic crime saga that follows the journey of a crime family from Rhode Island, where Winslow himself grew up.
From the archives: Don Winslow on the war on drugs
As we anticipate a conversation with novelist Don Winslow this Friday, we throwback to the last time he spoke with MPR News host Kerri Miller. In 2019, they discussed the conclusion to his trilogy that detailed the drug cartels and the lives of the investigators who pursue them.
Emily St. John Mandel on time travel, destiny and what might have been
The best-selling author of “Station Eleven” and “The Glass Hotel” is back with a novel of art, time, love and plague that takes the reader from Vancouver Island in 1912 to a dark colony on the moon five hundred years later.
From the archives: Physicist Lisa Randall on dark matter, meteoroids and the demise of the dinosaurs
This Friday, MPR News host Kerri Miller talks with Emily St. John Mandel about her much-anticipated and just released novel “Sea of Tranquility.” It asks some big philosophical and science fiction questions about time travel. So as a throwback, we thought you’d enjoy this 2015 conversation with astrophysicist Lisa Randall, who says there’s a closer parallel between imagination and science than you might guess.
Mary-Frances O'Connor on 'The Grieving Brain'
More than 50 years ago, Swiss psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross introduced the world to the five stages of grief, a model that shaped how many of us approach bereavement. But neuroscience is widening the lens. Mary-Frances O’Connor details how grief rewires the brain in her new book, and why we often struggle to accept the loss.
From the archives: Writer Max Porter on 'Grief is the Thing with Feathers'
This Friday, MPR News host Kerri Miller will talk with renowned grief expert and neuroscientist Mary-Frances O'Connor about happens in our brains when we grieve. But novels teach us just as much as science. In anticipation of the coming show, enjoy this one from the 2016 archives, when Miller talked with writer Max Porter about his debut novel, “Grief is the Thing with Feathers.”
Kelly Weill on why conspiracy theories are spreading faster than ever
Despite centuries of evidence pointing otherwise, there are still people who believe the Earth is flat — and their numbers are growing, thanks to social media and a reinvigorated culture of conspiratorial thinking. Journalist Kelly Weill has studied the flat Earth movement for years. Her new book is “Off the Edge: Flat Earthers, Conspiracy Culture, and Why People Will Believe Anything.”