Daily Circuit Blog

Thank heavens January is over. You never realize how long a month it is until you’re in it, and then it seems endless. But I hope we helped keep people informed and engaged as they tried to stay warm. The MPR pledge drive starts on Wednesday, so you’ll be hearing a fair amount of previously…
"By failing to halt the middle-class shrinkage, the argument goes, the U.S. could allow itself to become a two-tiered society of rich and poor. Declares M.I.T. Economics Professor Lester Thurow: 'Wherever one looks, one now finds rising inequality.'"
If you haven’t noticed already, we really love science here on The Daily Circuit, so we thought we’d kick off 2013 with a week of shows and segments on our favorite topic. On Monday at 11, we’ll kick things off with a discussion based on a story from the latest edition of National Geographic: What…