Daily Circuit Blog

For those of you who don't want to wait in queue -- or can't stand the sound of your own voice -- we've multiplied the number of ways ways you can speak up.
The mail bag emptied and its contents spread across my desk, creating a mountain of white so high I couldn’t see over it. Virtually speaking, that’s what happened as I paged through my overflowing inbox last week and gathered even more messages via MPR News’ Facebook page. Imagine that. Then again, perhaps the avalanche wouldn’t…
Think of the basic tenets of journalism — who, what, when, where and why. The “who” and “when” are the easy ones. I’ll be hosting, Tom Weber will be newscasting, reporting and interviewing. Steph Curtis will be our queen of social media. The “when” — 9 to noon. And the “where” — as always MPR…