Daily Circuit Blog

From the book table: An Extraordinary History of Objects
Tis the season for holiday gifts – and plenty of hard-bound goods have been arriving on the Daily Circuit book table as we get into the wintery days. My favorite new discovery from the table this week is Stephanie LaCava’s new book, An Extraordinary Theory of Objects (just released this Wednesday), which is truly a…
The looming crisis in Iran
"Obama may have to resort to a military strategy if Iran continues to enrich uranium at higher levels and nears production of weapons-grade material."
Video: Can computers cure PTSD?
"The United States military has been experimenting with new technology to help ease the transition from the battlefield back to life at home."
As we draw near the end of the year, the inevitable “best of” lists begin to arrive on every news site. Yesterday, The New York Times released its annual 100 Notable Books list. Here on The Daily Circuit, we were excited to see that a number of amazing authors Kerri and Tom interviewed over the…
When does an immigrant feel truly American?
"In the past, we expected assimilation of every immigrant, and this was reinforced by our social institutions, be it through teachers, religious leaders, or politicians. We now know that one can truly live bilingually, biculturally and transnationally."