Daily Circuit Blog

"In choosing Burwell, President Obama has made his priorities clear. Rather than standing with working families, he has chosen someone who has been complicit - and has, in fact, led the way - in ignoring the poverty-level jobs created by Walmart."
"Some of the best decisions and insights come from hallway and cafeteria discussions, meeting new people, and impromptu team meetings. Speed and quality are often sacrificed when we work from home."
"If you want to know what college is actually like in this country, forget Swarthmore, with 1500 students. Think Houston Community College, with 63,000. Think rolling admissions. Think commuter school. Think older."
"I had spent the previous two years sweeping princess-related toys, books, and garb out of sight. I was like a princess mine-sweeper running recon missions on grocery store aisles - chucking tiaras and flipping over sparkling toddler t-shirts."
I’ll start by acknowledging what most of our listeners are likely thinking: Yes, the MPR membership drive is finally over. We can now get back to live programming. And we’ve got a week of great live shows on tap. On Monday at 10am we’ll finally get around to a debate about the future of libraries…