Daily Circuit Blog

The Week Ahead

I'll start by acknowledging what most of our listeners are likely thinking: Yes, the MPR membership drive is finally over. We can now get back to live programming. And we've got a week of great live shows on tap. On Monday at 10am we'll finally get around to a debate about the future of libraries that was originally planned for January but had to be cancelled. The question we'll be pondering is, in age of e-books, do we need libraries anymore? If you're one of the many listeners who contacted me about the rescheduling of that discussion, you'll want to tune in. Then at 11, Kerri will be joined by journalist Lawrence Wright to discuss his new book on Scientology, "Going Clear."

On Tuesday at 10am, we'll examine why some feminists are concerned that Michelle Obama isn't doing more with her role as First Lady. Could she be using her power more effectively, or are we placing expectations on her that haven't been placed upon other First Ladies? At 11, we'll look at how a mentoring program in the St. Paul Public Schools is attempting to close the achievement gap.

On Wednesday at 9am, we'll take up the growing global debate over the use of drones. The Obama administration says its drone program is legal and ethical, but lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are calling for more oversight of the program. And speaking of oversight, that's something that Dr. Ben Goldacre believes the pharmaceutical industry needs more of. He'll join the program at 10am to discuss his research into the pharmaceutical industry and its practice of not including all clinical trial data for new drugs. And then at 11am, we all think we're different than the people we were in high school, right? Well, we'll examine new research that shows our high school experiences, good and bad, can have profound psychological effects throughout our lives.

On Thursday at 9am, Tom Weber will welcome University of Minnesota President Eric Kaler into the studio to make his case for more funding from the state, and discuss some of the criticism the University has received in recent months.

Hope you all enjoy our post-membership drive programming, and please send in your ideas for discussions you'd like to hear on the Daily Circuit.