2025 Minnesota legislative session

MPR News is your source for updates on the 2025 Minnesota legislative session. Whether you’re looking for information about a new law or want an update on state funding decisions, you can find it here.

Do tax increases kill jobs? Minn. soon to find out
The patience of business owners is being tried more than ever, as Dayton and the Democrats who now control the Capitol mull a menu of tax increases that would primarily hit company ledgers -- just as most states are going the opposite way.
Auto insurance companies say there has been a surge in false and exaggerated personal injury claims in the state in recent years. The trend is on the agenda of a hearing Monday at the state Capitol.
Legislators eager to parse Minn. budget bills
DFL Gov. Mark Dayton announced his two-year budget proposal nearly three weeks ago, but most of those tax and spending recommendations have not yet arrived in the House and Senate as bills.
Minn. legislators still divided on gun control after hearings
After three days of hearings this week at the state Capitol, legislators remain divided on the issue of gun control with some believing compromise and consensus can be reached, while others believe the debate to be a distraction from important budget work.
Electronic pull-tab gambling misses monthly revenue projections
Minnesota's roll out of electronic pull tabs continues to fall short of projections. After a strong debut in a handful of bars in September, the expansion of the games has been slow, and the games in bars aren't drawing the crowds backers had hoped. Now, calls for change are starting at the Capitol.
State of the State: Dayton defends budget plan, supports same-sex marriage
DFL Gov. Mark Dayton used his third State of the State address to make an expected defense of his budget proposal and make a declaration of his support for legalizing same-sex marriage, but stopped just short of calling for such a bill this session.
Dayton: Tax cuts caused Minn. economic problems
Gov. Mark Dayton argued in his State of the State speech Wednesday that past state income tax cuts are partly to blame for chronic budget problems in Minnesota, saying political leaders cannot afford to keep delaying difficult tax and spending decisions.
DFL Rep. Ann Lenczewski of Bloomington wants to more than double the state's cigarette tax by $1.60 a pack, from $1.23 to $2.83. That's considerably more than proposed by Gov. Mark Dayton, who wants a 94-cents-a-pack increase.
One bill being considered by the Legislature to fight gun violence would require that some people get a letter from a doctor or mental health care provider before they could buy a gun. Dr. Dave Thorson, Board Chair of the Minnesota Medical Association, discussed the proposed legislation with Morning Edition host Cathy Wurzer.