2025 Minnesota legislative session

MPR News is your source for updates on the 2025 Minnesota legislative session. Whether you’re looking for information about a new law or want an update on state funding decisions, you can find it here.

To get a sense of how Minnesota's newest legislators see the action at the Capitol, MPR News speaks with a pair of freshmen lawmakers throughout the session.
Contentious frac sand mining hearings start at Capitol
Opponents of the new mining process packed a legislative hearing to urge Gov. Mark Dayton and state lawmakers to regulate the sand mining industry. But industry officials say such regulations will limit job growth and create unnecessary burdens on them.
Minnesota animal lovers who back a bill to tighten state regulations for professional dog and cat breeders are rallying at the Capitol.
Minnesota has accepted a federal offer to put more low-income people on a state-fashioned Medicaid program with the costs falling to the federal government.
Advocates on both sides of the gun debate will gather at the State Capitol this week when the Minnesota Senate holds a series of hearings on proposed legislation.
Minnesota health exchange on deadline, moving swiftly
Legislation that would create a new online marketplace for Minnesotans to buy health insurance will be making its last state Senate committee stop this week. In order for the exchange to open for business in October as required, state lawmakers must pass a bill by the third week in March.
Frac sand mining controversy moves to state Capitol
State lawmakers will hold hearings beginning this week to address the fast-growing frac sand industry and its effect on Minnesota. Although local lawmakers are grappling with how to zone and regulate the industry, rules differ widely throughout the state.
State Rep.-elect Tama Theis will be sworn into office on Tuesday. Theis, a Republican, won in a special election on Feb. 12 and will represent part of St. Cloud.
Franken appears well-positioned for re-election
Six years ago this month, DFLer Al Franken launched his campaign for U.S Senate against incumbent Republican Norm Coleman. After a long recount, Franken won by just 312 votes. For some it appeared Franken might be an easy target in 2014, but it's not playing out that way -- at least for now.