2023 Minnesota legislative session

MPR News is your source for updates from the 2023 Minnesota legislative session that began on Jan. 3, 2023. Whether you're looking for information about a new law or want an update on state funding decisions, you can find it here.

 Tax cuts likely in Minnesota session but who benefits still unknown
A massive budget surplus and pledges made during the fall campaign make tax cuts a near-certainty as the Legislature sets a new budget. But the type of relief is still up in the air, with some Minnesotans facing potential tax increases, too.
DFL Party shelves mid-session fundraiser that drew questions
The state party’s fundraiser would have featured top DFL lawmakers, who would be personally barred from raising the type of contributions the party was soliciting. A bill to change state law is already circulating.
How does the Minnesota Legislature work? Two nonpartisan experts explain
Minnesota lawmakers are in session now deciding on issues that will impact all of us. Two nonpartisan administrators who work at the Legislature talk about what resources the public has access to and how people can engage with lawmakers to influence policies.
Symbolic gun rights vote by Itasca County draws mixed feelings from rural Minnesota
As the DFL-controlled legislature debates various gun safety bills, some rural Minnesota counties have declared themselves 2nd Amendment “dedicated” counties. In Itasca County there's concern about how the resolution was passed.