Election 2022

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Everything you need to know about the local, state and federal elections in 2022.

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Ob tug neeg sib tw ua Minnesota tus kws lij choj sawv cev pab txhua yam pom sib txawv loj heev ntawm cov xwm txheej hauv kev sib tw 2022. Nkawd twb tsis sib pom zoo rau lub hom phiaj ntawm lub chaw khiav dej num.
Ramsey County prints ballots with recently deceased candidate's name
Ramsey County elections officials said the Secretary of State's Office notified them of the change on Aug. 29 after the death of GOP candidate Beverly Peterson, but the county says because of a clerical error, Peterson's name was sent to the printer.
Lus coj qhia neeg xaiv tsa: Xyuas seb cov neeg sib tw ua hau xeev governor rau Minnesota txhawb qhov twg
Neeg Tuav Hauj Lwm hauv DFL Hau Xeev Governor Tim Walz, Republican Scott Jensen thiab plaub tug neeg khiav ua nom tswv puav leej sib tw ua hau xeev governor rau Minnesota hauv txoj kev xaiv tsa dav thaum Kaum Ib Hlis Ntuj tim 8. Ntawm no yog saib cov neeg sib tw xav li cas txog cov teeb meem loj rau cov pej xeem Minnesota.
Hagaha codbixiyaha: Ogow mowqifyada murashixiinta u taagan guddoomiyaha gobolka Minnesota
Guddoomiyaha xilka haya oo ah DFL Tim Walz, Jamhuuri Scott Jensen iyo afar murashax oo kale ayaa u tartamaya guddoomiyaha gobolka Minnesota doorashada guud ee dhici doonta 8da Nof. Halkan waxaa ku qoran halka ay ka taagan yihiin arrimaha ugu muhiimsan ee dadka Minnesota.
Voter guide: See where candidates for Minnesota governor stand
Incumbent DFL Gov. Tim Walz, Republican Scott Jensen and four other candidates are running for governor of Minnesota in the general election on Nov. 8. Here’s where they stand on abortion, crime, police, the economy and more.