Election 2022

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Everything you need to know about the local, state and federal elections in 2022.

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NPR poll shows Biden's approval rating is up but there are warning signs for Democrats
The president's approval rating is up to 44 percent, but 7-in-10 people say the country is going in the wrong direction, and young and Black voters are among the least likely to vote this fall.
Lus coj qhia neeg xaiv tsa: Xyuas Cheeb Tsam 2 cov neeg sib tw cov kev txhawb rau cov phom, kev kaus me nyuam pov tseg thiab ntau tsav yam ntxiv
Tam sim no cov nroog me puag ncig sab qab teb ntawm Nroog Ntxaib yog sawv cev los ntawm Teb Chaws Asmeskas Tus Neeg Sawv Cev hauv Congress, Angie Craig, uas yog ib tug neeg Democrat. Muaj ob tug neeg sib tw hauv daim ntawv xaiv tsa: Tus neeg sib tw Republican Tyler Kistner, nws sib tw poob hauv 2020, thiab tus neeg sib tw Paula Overby nrog Legal Marijuana Now Party (Tog Neeg Txhawb Kev Tso Cai Siv Xas Tam Sim No).
Hagaha codbixiyaha: Eeg mowqifyada murashixiinta Degmada 2aad sida hubka, ilmaha la soo ridayo, waxyaabo badan
Xaafadaha magaalooyinka mataanaha ah ee koonfurta waxaa hadda Koongareeska uga wakiil ah xildhibaanad Angie Craig, oo ka socota Dimuquraadiga. Waxaa doorashada ku jira laba tartame oo kala ah: Murashaxa Xisbiga Jamhuuriga Tyler Kistner, oo ay iyadu ka guulaysatay 2020, iyo murashaxa Xisbiga Marijuana Now Paula Overby. 
Voter guide: See 2nd District candidates' stances on guns, abortion, more
The southern Twin Cities suburbs and points beyond are currently represented in Congress by U.S. Rep. Angie Craig, a Democrat. She is being challenged by Republican candidate Tyler Kistner, who she beat once before in 2020.
Crockett won’t say she’ll accept election results
In a debate with DFL Secretary of State Steve Simon, Republican candidate Kim Crockett declined to say whether she would accept the results of the November election. Simon said he would and that Minnesota’s elections are fair and results can be trusted.