Election 2022

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Everything you need to know about the local, state and federal elections in 2022.

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Disability community presses candidates for access
Ahead of Election Day, Minnesotans advocating for people with disabilities are connecting with candidates about their top issues, including housing and jobs. They say candidates willing to include Minnesotans with disabilities stand to tap into “uncharted territory” among potential voters.
Stop thinking just about Election Day. We're in voting season now
Voting for the midterms has started in some states. With more people voting early and mailing in ballots, elections are increasingly less about Election Day and more about what happens weeks earlier.
Minnesota poll: Most feel inflation ‘stress’ but not to same degree
Eight in 10 Minnesota voters say recent inflation has caused financial stress, but the bulk say it’s caused “minor” burdens on their households. One third in the MPR News/Star Tribune/KARE 11 poll describe inflation as causing “major stress.”
Poll: Minnesota voters think crime is rising, yet feel safe near home
Fifty-four percent of those asked in the latest MPR News/Star Tribune/KARE 11 poll said crime is on the rise, but an overwhelming 83 percent do not fear being attacked or threatened in their own neighborhood.
Minnesota poll: 52 percent of voters oppose overturning Roe v. Wade
Minnesotans are divided about the U.S. Supreme Court's decision earlier this summer to overturn Roe v. Wade, the 50-year-old case that ensured federal protection for access to abortion, according to a new MPR News/Star Tribune/KARE 11 poll. 
Poll: Majority backs legal marijuana in Minnesota
A majority of registered voters polled this month say they support making marijuana available for legal use in Minnesota and about 48 percent said they agree with a plan to allow gambling on sports in the state.
Poll: Minnesota AG candidates locked in tight race
New Minnesota Poll results show the race for Minnesota Attorney General between DFL incumbent Keith Ellison and Republican Jim Schultz is a dead heat with about seven weeks until Election Day. The same poll shows DFL Secretary of State Steve Simon with a nearly eight point lead over his Republican opponent Kim Crockett.