Election 2020

Election 2020

Everything you need to know about the local, state and federal elections in 2020.

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Find the results in Minnesota here.

Bloomberg says 3 women can be released from nondisclosure agreements
Mike Bloomberg says he's willing to release at least three women from nondisclosure agreements that prevented them from speaking publicly about sexual harassment or discrimination suits filed against him over the last three decades. Dozens of lawsuits have been filed against his company over the years.
Season three of this live call-in show focuses on the counties that flipped party loyalties from one presidential election to the next.
Videos: Elections explained
Have questions about the 2020 primaries? MPR News is here to help. Check out our explainer videos for curious voters all the way up to Election Day.
Election 2020 calendar
Get all the key dates for the 2020 election in one place. Download them on your calendar.
Nevada caucus results
With Nevada’s caucuses in the history books, the Democratic candidates are focusing their full attention on the next state up in the process: South Carolina. We turn to a political scientist for a review of the win by Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont and a preview as the race for president speeds up in South Carolina and the Super Tuesday states.