Election 2020

Election 2020

Everything you need to know about the local, state and federal elections in 2020.

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Find the results in Minnesota here.

Today’s check-in on Minnesota politics from MPR News summarizes a new poll showing approval for DFL Gov. Tim Walz. Also, a new toolkit on disinformation from the Can You Believe It? team includes tips on spotting fake or altered images.
'Why would I get out?': Democrats brush off calls to quit
Bernie Sanders' ascendance in the Democratic presidential primary has brought louder calls for some of his rivals to drop out of the race. Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar said during a stop in Arkansas the day after she came in sixth in Nevada that dropping out was “not even a close call" for her.
Today’s check-in on Minnesota politics from MPR News includes two poll stories — one on who Minnesota Democrats are leaning with so far in the presidential race and one looking at how all Minnesotans view Donald Trump’s job as president.
MPR News/Star Tribune poll: 44 percent approve of the job Trump is doing
A new MPR News/Star Tribune Minnesota Poll shows President Trump’s approval rating at 44 percent in the state, while 52 percent disapprove of the job he’s doing.
Analysis: After the Nevada caucuses, Bernie Sanders is the candidate to beat
Sanders won in Nevada by broadening his coalition beyond his base of young voters and progressives. The man who calls himself a democratic socialist and has been seemingly running as an outsider all his life is now the inside man.
Buttigieg questions third-place finish in Nevada, cites errors
Pete Buttigieg’s campaign has questioned his third-place finish in Nevada’s caucuses, and called for the state’s Democratic Party to release a more detailed breakdown of votes and address reports of more than 200 problems allocating votes in Saturday’s caucuses.
MPR News/Star Tribune poll: Klobuchar has edge in primary
A new MPR News/Star Tribune Minnesota Poll shows Sen. Amy Klobuchar edging Sen. Bernie Sanders in the Minnesota presidential primary but many who plan to vote in the Democratic primary are still undecided.
Sanders wins Nevada caucuses, takes national Democratic lead
Bernie Sanders scored a resounding victory in Nevada’s presidential caucuses on Saturday, cementing his status as the Democrats' national front-runner amid escalating tensions over whether he’s too liberal to defeat President Trump.
Six things to watch in the Nevada caucuses
Sen. Bernie Sanders is the favorite, but will Sen. Elizabeth Warren peel away some progressives after a fiery debate performance? Former Vice President Joe Biden has a lot on the line — and a lot to prove.
Minnesota caucuses lose big magnet, but key business remains
Minnesota’s precinct caucuses are likely to be less raucous this year — and less crowded than in the past. That’s because the state has shifted its presidential preference process away from caucuses and into a primary election that’s part of Super Tuesday next month.