Capitol View®

Reporting on State Politics and Government

The Minnesota Supreme Court has issued an order that has set a time for a hearing related to wrongly rejected absentee ballots. The court, however, did not stop local elections officials from sorting and counting any wrongly rejected absentee ballots. The hearing is scheduled for Wednesday at 1:00PM. Republican Norm Coleman’s campaign asked the court…
By the end of the week, we may have a better idea who received the most votes in Minnesota’s U.S. Senate race on Election Day. That, however, doesn’t mean we’ll know the winner. The State Canvassing Board will start examining the remaining challenged ballots on Tuesday. AP says there are few mysteries in the challenged…
Iraqi journalist hurls shoes at President Bush
An Iraqi reporter hurled his shoes at President Bush during a news conference in Baghdad. Mr. Bush made his final trip to Iraq and Afghanistan before his term ends on January 20, 2009. Here’s the video:
After getting a verbal beat down from the State Canvassing Board on Friday, the two U.S. Senate campaigns are withdrawing challenges at a fevered pitch. Democrat Al Franken’s campaign says the campaign will present the board with fewer than 500 challenges when the board meets on Tuesday. GOP Sen. Norm Coleman’s campaign later announced that…
The campaign for Democrat Al Franken is withdrawing 750 more challenges today. To date, Franken’s campaign has withdrawn 1,798 ballots. GOP Sen. Norm Coleman’s campaign has withdrawn 1,350 challenges. Several members of the State Canvassing board harshly scolded both campaigns today for the number of challenges still on the table. Originally, the two campaigns challenged…
10:58 AMCleary admonishes campaigns to keep withdrawing “frivolous” ballot challenges. Meeting adjourns. 10:55 AM Discussion is winding up. Consideration of challenged ballots is scheduled for December 16 through 19 and the board seems to be ready to take the various reconsiderations, of both absentee and challenged ballots, as they come. 10:48 AMCanvassing board starts discussion…
Happy Rejected Absentee Ballot day! The State Canvassing Board will likely determine what to do with any ballots that were wrongly rejected and what to do with the missing ballots in Minneapolis. MinnPost, MPR, the Pi Press and CQ have stories. Democrat Al Franken’s campaign presents affidavits with 62 people who say their ballots were…
GOP Sen. Norm Coleman’s campaign has withdrawn another 225 challenges today bringing the campaign’s total to 1,350 withdrawn challenges. Democrat Al Franken’s campaign has withdrawn 1,058 ballots. Originally, the campaigns have challenged a total of 6,655 ballots. Both campaigns are expected to withdraw more challenges before the State Canvassing Board meets on December 16th..
Will air live on MPR News at 10 o’clock this morning.
The Daily Digest: 12-11-08
The State Economist says the state’s short-term deficit may be $30 to $70 million worse than projected. Local elections officials say cutting December LGA payments will cause them significant problems. MPR, Forum Communications, the Star Tribune, the Pi Press and WCCO have stories. St. Paul orders a hiring freeze. Other cities are also scaling back.…