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The Daily Digest: 12-11-08

The State Economist says the state's short-term deficit may be $30 to $70 million worse than projected.

Local elections officials say cutting December LGA payments will cause them significant problems. MPR, Forum Communications, the Star Tribune, the Pi Press and WCCO have stories.

St. Paul orders a hiring freeze. Other cities are also scaling back.

43 states are facing shortfalls.

Lawmakers are urged to provide tax breaks to investors.

There will be another big deployment for the Minnesota National Guard.

Smoking rates decline.

Officials say the state pension fund decline is due to the economy not rash moves in the market.

WCCO takes a look at the controversy regarding newborn genetic tests.

The state reports abuse in another Minnesota nursing home.

2008 Senate Race

Both campaigns are arguing over ballots. MPR and AP have stories.

Franken releases a video of voters who say their ballots were wrongly rejected. The Star Tribune and KARE have stories.

Here's the video.

The Star Tribune and the Pi Press preview Friday's canvassing board hearing, which will focus on rejected absentee ballots.

The Strib also chases yesterday's Pi Press story on the FBI investigating Coleman supporter Nasser Kazeminy.

The Pi Press says the investigation pleases Coleman critics.

Minneapolis goes to court today to defend the constitutionality of Instant Runoff Voting. MPR examines how difficult a recount could be under those conditions.

AP profiles the attorneys.


The House passed the auto bailout bill but it faces a GOP revolt in the Senate.

Here's the roll call. Here's how Minnesota's delegation voted.

The St. Cloud Times says GOP Sen. Norm Coleman and DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar are undecided on the bailout.

GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann calls for an end to bailouts.

Bachmann also calls for a two-month tax holiday.

Big bank firms bankrolled the conventions before they sought the bailout.

DFL Rep. Keith Ellison is on his pilgrimage to Mecca.


President-elect Barack Obama will announce Tom Daschle as his HHS Secretary tomorrow.

He also reportedly picked his energy choices.

Nearly 75% of those polled support how Obama is handling the transition.


Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal says it's unlikely that he'll run for president.