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The Daily Digest: 12-15-08

By the end of the week, we may have a better idea who received the most votes in Minnesota's U.S. Senate race on Election Day. That, however, doesn't mean we'll know the winner. The State Canvassing Board will start examining the remaining challenged ballots on Tuesday.

AP says there are few mysteries in the challenged ballots.

The campaigns for Al Franken and Norm Coleman promise to withdraw more challenges.

Coleman campaign is asking for the Minnesota Supreme Court to stop local elections officials from opening any wrongly rejected absentee ballots.

The Star Tribune wonders whether Minnesota's voting system has been cast into doubt.

The Pi Press has a guide to the rest of the recount.

The Star Tribune profiles Coleman supporter Jim Hays.

State Government

Forum Communications says the deficit dims hope for a bonding bill this session.

The Pi Press says Como Zoo will ask again for aid.

The Pi Press and MinnPost take a look at the projects being proposed to get funding under a federal economic stimulus plan.

North Dakota's Board of Animal Health will weigh Minnesota's cattle restrictions.

Fox9 says Gov. Pawlenty gains politically from his trade mission to Israel.


The Electoral College will meet today to make Obama's win official.

President-elect Obama will hold a national security meeting today in Chicago.


A Jewish group will honor GOP Rep. Jim Ramstad this week. Ramstad is retiring.

Fox News says Ramstad's office has been shipped to the land of misfit toys.


DFL Rep. Tim Walz is taking himself out of the running for governor even though he never committed to a run in the first place. Dog chase tail.


Arizona Senator John McCain won't commit to backing Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin for governor.