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The Daily Digest: 12-12-08

Happy Rejected Absentee Ballot day!

The State Canvassing Board will likely determine what to do with any ballots that were wrongly rejected and what to do with the missing ballots in Minneapolis. MinnPost, MPR, the Pi Press and CQ have stories.

Democrat Al Franken's campaign presents affidavits with 62 people who say their ballots were wrongly rejected.

GOP Sen. Norm Coleman's campaign cuts his pile of challenged ballots.

Meanwhile, Fox9 says Coleman's home renovation came at the same time as the financial lawsuit surfaces.


The auto bailout is dead after it failed to the Senate. GOP Sen. Norm Coleman voted against moving the bill forward. DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar voted for it. Here's the roll call.

Vice-President Dick Cheney told Senate Republicans that it's "Herbert Hoover" time.

The deal died after the Senate GOP demanded wage reductions from the UAW.

Twin Cities auto dealers are worried.

GOP Rep. Erik Paulsen is mentioned in this Washington Post story on Republican Congressman Eric Cantor. Paulsen is considered a "Young gun."

DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar wants to delay an offshore wind farm off of Cape Cod.

State Government

Minnesota's top Finance official will target budget cuts by Christmas.

The Pi Press says the $155 million reserve will go first in emergency cutting.

A Senate committee will hold a hearing on whether to expand the medical gift ban to medical device companies and drug companies.

Gov. Pawlenty leaves on a trip for Israel.

The LCCMR approves some projects.

Optum Health creates a website to give free advice on heath care costs.

Best Buy's founder gave the U of M $40 million.

Minneapolis passes its annual budget.

St. Paul Homeowners are asking why their valuations are going up as the price of their home goes down.